Bahasa dalam UU No.6 Tahun 2011

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Kajian Penerjemahan & Bahasa Dalam Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian

Pasal 8
Setiap orang yang masuk atau keluar Wilayah Indonesia wajib memiliki Dokumen Perjalanan…
Anyone on entry into and exit from Indonesia should possess ….

Semantic error and grammar function kaitannya dengan modal auxiliaries. Wajib dapat dipadankan menjadi Must atau Oblige to.

Arti dan penggunaan Should:

1 used to show what is right, appropriate, etc, especially when criticizing sb's actions
You shouldn't drink and drive.
He should have been more careful.
A present for me? You shouldn't have ! (= used to thank sb politely)
2 used for giving or asking for advice
You should stop worrying about it
Should I call him and apologize?
I should wait a little longer, if I were you .
( ironic ) ‘She doesn't think she'll get a job.’ ‘She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry) .’
3 used to say that you expect sth is true or will happen
We should arrive before dark.
I should have finished the book by Friday.
The roads should be less crowded today.

Pasal 10
Orang Asing yang telah memenuhi persyaratan dapat masuk Wilayah Indonesia setelah mendapat Tanda Masuk.
A foreigner complying with the admission requirements after having been issued an admission mark.

Penerjemahan Kalimat menjadi Klausa, seharusnya dipisah menjadi 2 frasa dipisah tanda koma setalah kata requirements

Pasal 18
(1) Penanggung Jawab Alat Angkut melarang yang datang dari luar Wilayah Indonesia….diwajibkan untuk:
c. memberikan tanda atau mengibarkan bendera isyarat….
d. melarang setiap orang naik atau turun dari alat angkut…

(1) Transportation mode responsible person on arrival …should:
c. provide sign or flying the code flag…
d. prohibit anyone to board or leaving the vessel…

Kesalahan tata bahasa kaitannya dengan concord atau parallelism. Seharusnya ‘provide sign or fly the code flag…’ dan ‘prohibit anyone to board or to leave the vessel…’

(2) Transportation mode responsible person….data information thru Immigration Management…’

Thru = Through (informal) tidak baku.

Pasal 23
‘Further provission on requirement and entry into…’

Misspelt (salah penulisan) = provision = ketentuan

Pasal  24
(1) Travel Documents of the Republic of Indonesia consists of:
a. Passport; and
b. Laksana Passport Travel Letter.

Pasal 31
3) Withdrawal of Passport wont to do in terms of:

Pasal 32 (1) & (2)


Dalam KBBI IV, tersua lema Blangko sebagai nomina bukan Blanko

Pasal 39


Dalam KBBI IV, tersua lema Rohaniwan sebagai kata benda orang bukan Rohaniawan

Penjelasan Umum

Pasal 22 (4)


Dalam KBBI IV, tersua lema Resiprokal sebagai kata sifat dan Resiprok sebagai kata benda bukan Resiprositas

Pasal 42
d. tidak memiliki tiket kembali atau tiket terusan untuk…
d. no retour or thorough ticket to….

Tiket kembali = return ticket (istilah penerbangan)
Tiket terusan = pass ticket (istilah penerbangan)

Pasal 62
e. memberikan informasi yang tidak benar…
e. supply information on application of…

‘memberikan’ dalam hal pemberian informasi sepadan dengan ‘provide’  atau ‘give’.

1 [ countable ] an amount of sth that is provided or available to be used
The water supply is unsafe.
Supplies of food are almost exhausted.
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.
Books were in short supply (= there were not enough of them).

2 supplies [ plural ] the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a group of people, for example an army or expedition
Our supplies were running out.
a transport plane carrying food and medical supplies for refugees

3 [ uncountable ] the act of supplying sth
The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.
A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.
The electricity supply (= the system supplying electricity) had been cut off.
a contract for the supply of timber

Pasal 63
(2) penjamin bertanggung jawab atas keberadaan dan…
(2) sponsor is taken responsible on foreigner’s presence

Analisis kesalahan (anakes) tata bahasa, responsible seharusnya responsibility.
Analisis semantik pada kata ‘keberadaan’ yang diterjemahkan ‘presence’ tidak tepat.
‘Keberadaan’ disepadankan dengan kata ‘existence’.

Sumber:Undang-Undang No.6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian versi Dua Bahasa penerbit Ditjenim;
Oxford Dictinaries 8th Edition tahun 2010;
Kamus Besar bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) edisi IV tahun 2008.
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